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- Type:
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- Biological drugs
- For China market
- For overseas market
- Special TCMs
- Chemical drugs
Tretinoin Tablets
Produced based on national patented preparation process, the product is unanimously recommended by domestic and international APL guidelines as the first line treatment scheme. When this drug is orally taken together with the Compound Realgar Natural Indigo Tablets as a "family treatment", its cure rate for APL is above 95%.
Fuyinkang Lotion
Capable of clearing away heat and dampness, removing itching and reducing vaginal discharge, the product is used for treatment of bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas vaginitis, candidal vaginitis, and accumulated damp-heat according syndrome differentiation in TCM. The product can relieve such symptoms as the itching, pain, excessive vaginal discharge, frequent micturition, urgent micturition, and painful micturition.
Yandan Capsules
Capable of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, regulating qi and relieving pain, the product is indicated for the syndrome of qi stagnation and blood stasis in angina of effort of coronary heart disease. The symptoms are: chest pain, chest tightness, palpitation, suffocation, etc.
Anti-inflammatory and Choleretic Dropping Pills
Capable of clearing away heat and dampness and having choleretic action, the product is used for treatment of pain in mouth and hypochondriac pain caused by dampness and heat in liver and gallbladder, and is indicated for acute cholecystitis and cholangitis.
Anti-inflammatory and Choleretic Granules
Capable of clearing away heat and dampness and having choleretic action, the product is used for treatment of pain in mouth and hypochondriac pain caused by dampness and heat in liver and gallbladder, and is indicated for acute cholecystitis and cholangitis.
Ginkgo Leaf Pills
Capable of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and dredging collaterals, the product is used for treatment of chest pain, heartache, stroke, hemiplegia, stiff tongue and retardation in speech caused by blood stasis, and is indicated for stable angina pectoris in coronary heart disease and cerebral infarction when any of the symptoms above occurs.