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- Type:
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- Biological drugs
- For China market
- For overseas market
- Special TCMs
- Chemical drugs
Ambroxol hydrochloride injection
To treat acute and chronic lung diseases with abnormal sputum secretion and poor sputum excretion function. Such as the secretion clearance treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, and bronchial asthma. It is also used for preventive treatment of pulmonary complications after surgery. It is also used for the treatment of infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) in preterm infants and newborns.
Cymevene® Ganciclovir for Injection
An original product, the first ganciclovir for injection in the world, which has been proved to have significant efficacy and high safety by global multi-regional clinical trials, and is recommended as the first choice for the prevention and treatment of CMV infection by various authoritative guidelines in the world.
Compound Realgar Natural Indigo Tablets
The only one nationwide, an innovative TCM preparation, and a medicine priced through government negotiation, which is recommended by the latest domestic and international guidelines as the first-choice first-line drug, and has been ranked in the WTO Essential Drugs List.